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FILM ACTOR FOR CHRIST, with Daniel Rabourdin​

Organized by ISTORIA, INC in cooperation with INDUSTRIOUS FAMILY​























Classes in person.
Week-end workshops in France August-September--October 2025
Children, teen agers and adult classes. 








15 years old and up:   Tuesdays at 10:00 AM CT

11 to 14 years old:   Thursdays at  10:00 AM CT


Parents are asked to stay at an earshot distance. Daniel Rabourdin has followed the class in child safety (Virtus) at the New Orleans Archdiocese. We are trying to always have one parent following the class itself. 

FEES: The first class complimentary. Following that there is a $10 fee per class or $35 per month.


Also payable by check to: HISTORIA, INC

Address: 6309 Paris Ave - New Orleans, LA 70122


Free for major benefactors and volunteers of OATH films or actors of INDUSTRIOUS films. 20% discount for groups of two or more.​​


Make an appointment (at for a video interview with the coach before your payment.













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At the end of the course, the student is better able to:

·       Express himself in public.

·       Be hired as an actor.

·       Connect with an audience for professional presentation, homilies, or political speech.

·       Play his character without being affected by the cameramen, sound engineer, etc.

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·      Group games make around 60% of the class. They develop spontaneity, receptivity to others, enunciation, confidence, authenticity, consciousness of one’s emotions and quick wit.

·       Improvisations on a given basic story by a group of two.

·       Interpretation of a two-minute dialogue for two actors taken from a present-day film.

·       Spontaneous presentation of oneself.

·       A once-a-month character class where each student comes clothed in character and stays in character for 60 minutes.

·       At the end of the camps and in person class cycle, student’s performance are filmed and made available to present for casting interviews.



The following Christian values are analyzed.


The prophets in the Bible:

            At the request of God.

            Uneasiness in front of the ruler or the people.

            Message's priority for the spiritual good of the people.​


All aspects of the course are in accordance with the Catholic faith and ethic.

A spiritual analysis based on the scriptures and anthropological information from the De Anima of St. Thomas Aquinas are applied to the actor's process.


In film, the eyes of the public are a few feet away thanks to the proximity of the camera lenses. Therefore, the public can read the actor's emotions as accurately as in real life. Therefore the successful actor cannot pretend and focus first on how he looks. He must live in-depth what his character is feels, thinks and wants.


Film actor training teaches how to work from one's inner dispositions (psychological background, past experiences, aspirations, or fears) to shape naturally one's outer presence.


This in-depth rooting is a sensitive area where a grounding in the faith and a healthy Christian ethic are vital. 


Even two months of Acting for film class impart the students with better abilities to speak in public, speak their mind with spontaneity, address the public on camera, present themselves for interviews.


To become an actor employable by professional productions, young people need on average two years of class but they can be ready faster. Older people need more time. 


Unlike a majority of film acting classes this class is provided by a director and not an actor.


Daniel Rabourdin has directed hundreds of actors and  coached around dozens of public speakers at EWTN Eternal Word Television Network (founded by Mother Angelica). Daniel Rabourdin is also trained in film acting at Debby Gaudet's Screen Actors Studio in New Orleans.


This course is therefore taught more from the point of view of what a director and a production need from the actor. Many tips are given to work with the production’s camera, light and sound.


At casting interviews, all other actors' skills being equal, it is the actor most able to work in harmony with director and crew that will be preferred.  







Originally from Cannes, France, Daniel Rabourdin currently resides in New Orleans, Louisiana.

He was a producer for 18 years at EWTN, the largest religious television in the world located in Alabama.

For 6 years, he has been an independent director.


During his career, Daniel was the coach of about forty televised homilists at EWTN Eternal Word Television Network. He directed over 150 actors and extras in the production of the docufilms St. Joan of Arc, Catherine of Siena and Catholic Reality Television series (Mission Amazon, Pilgrims across France).


Daniel graduated in philosophy from the IPC (Institut de Philosophie Comparée) and the Sorbonne, studied television at the University of Southwestern Louisiana and University of San Francisco, was Scout of Europe, and trained as an actor at the Debby Gaudet's Screen Actors Studio, New Orleans, USA).





















The Catholic Acting Class viewed by Ms. Kathleen Bowen a hyper homeschooler, : 

“I, along with several of my children both adult and youth, have been taking online acting coaching from Daniel Rabourdin for 2 months. Daniel has the qualities of a great coach. He is organized, friendly and encouraging. He wants us all to succeed as great actors! I am becoming a better actress and learning how to get the best performance out of others. My children are gaining confidence, learning how to enunciate better and slow down in their speech. I’m sure that this class is going to improve their overall academic performance. I couldn’t recommend it enough! Try it out, you won’t be disappointed.”



















Kathleen Bowen leads Industrious Family. Kathleen is wife and homeschooling mother of ten children.

Kathleen began in 2014. As her children have grown, they’ve taken her down the path of Catholic filmmaking. Her family’s 5th film is currently in pre-production. 

Kathleen Bowen, Catholic homeschool mother of ten, filmmaker





















Led by Kathleen Bowen, Catholic homeschool mother and filmmaker

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