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An idealistic film

“Every film has a conceptual backbone, either moral or not. Ours will be Christian and from a boy's point of view. Even better: it will be along the code of conduct articulated by Baden Powell's the founder of Scoutisme


The last of ninth children of an English preacher, Baden Powell had only one way to flourish: through the army ranks. And well did he do as he became an explorer in South Africa, a secret service agent and finally a General.  In a war against the Boers, he saw teens up to no good while he was in a dire need of help. So he trained the boys to be assistants in way of messaging, healing and observing. He was a life coach to those boys and would become one for millions afterwards. So much that he laid out a rule of life to become good men.


Like a treasure, OATH will hold this code within.”


​Daniel Rabourdin, producer-director

The Promise


"On my honor and with God's grace,

I promise to do my best to serve God,

the Church, and my country,

to help my neighbor at all times,

and to obey the Scout Law."

The Law

1. A Scout's Honor is to be trusted.


2. A Scout is loyal.


3. A Scout is made to serve and save his neighbor.


4. A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout.


5. A Scout is courteous and chivalrous.


6. A Scout sees nature as God's creation; he loves plants and animals.


7. A Scout obeys proper orders and leaves nothing half-finished.


8. A Scout is thrifty, he takes good care of his own possessions and those of others.


9. A Scout controls himself: he smiles and sings under all difficulties.


10. A Scout is pure in thought, word and deed. 


“Always be faithful to your Scout Promise even when you have ceased to be a child - and God help you to do it!”


Last words of Baden-Powell's farewell letter to all scouts for all times.

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